Look to The Skies: A Study of God's Technology
“God’s truth cannot be a lie and a lie cannot be God’s truth”.
J. D. Mc., Jr.
Do you believe Jesus has enough technology to build a city 1500 miles wide x 1500 miles long x 1500 miles high and then transport it to Earth?
About the author
Hello, I am James D. McCall Jr. My ambition is to share the results of my ongoing studies of God's original truths with you.
I believe God has sufficient technology to oversee the activities of all His creations throughout the Universe. By understanding the extensive technology man has acquired during his short life on Earth, we should have a perception of the inexhaustible technology God has acquired throughout His infinite existence.
Our Father said: ” I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last “.
I am proud to be a son of the Most High King of the Universe and what ever adventures lie ahead and I am confident they will be innumerable.
How Does God Do Things?
James D. McCall Jr.
God: The Father, The Word and The Holy Spirit made man in Their image; with Their characteristics and the capability of reaching his full potential as a human. Man has enough technology today, to control and monitor events around the world from one particular building, just as God controls and monitors the Universe from where He is with His technology.
Where Does God Live?
James D. McCall Jr.
My Father and my Savior live on a planet somewhere in the Universe. Jesus told His disciples that He was going to His Father and our Father and He would build a city that measures approximately: 1,500 miles wide x 1,500 miles long x 1,500 miles high and He will transport this city; New Jerusalem to Earth. I believe this to be 100 % truth.
Why Did God Create Man?
James D. McCall Jr.
I believe God created man in His image for companionship and family, for those which are wise enough to understand; He wants us to love Him as He loves us. Man was created to need the love that comes exclusively from God and the freedom to choose, but sometimes the right choices are blocked by evil influence. I believe many people today are lost for lack of God’s original unvarnished truth.
Jesus will establish His Kingdom on a new and perfect Earth; using His unparalleled technology
Technology of men and God